The Sarasota Sun Devils Season is Beginning!

Our season at Sarasota Sun Devils is beginning! The start of our football program is just around the corner. Consider registering your child for the Sarasota Sun Devils soon, so they don’t miss out on the start of our season.

Sun Devils Tiny Mites Registration

The Sarasota Sun Devils Tiny Mite registration begins Sunday, March 10, with returning player registration. Returning player registration for Tiny Mite is also on Wednesday, March 13 and Wednesday, March 27. If your child is a returning member of the Tiny Mite Sarasota Sun Devils team, be sure to register them on these dates. If you have a child at the Tiny Mite age range and skill level, new player registration takes place on Sunday, April 7, Wednesday, April 10, and Tuesday, April 16. We hope to see you and your child on these dates!

Registering your child for the Sarasota Sun Devils football team is easy. Our organization is part of the Pop Warner Little Scholars organization, which is focused on safety and academics of its participants. Because of our involvement in this program, children and their parents are required to submit mandatory forms upon registration. In addition to these online forms, we also ask that individuals submit a non-refundable deposit, the 2019 Sun Devils Parent Code of Conduct paperwork, the 2019 Pop Warner Participant Contract and Parental Consent Form, the 2019 Pop Warner Physical Fitness & Medical History Form, the 2019 Photo & Video Release form, and an original and copy of your child’s birth certificate. If your child is a returning member of our team, they do not need to bring a birth certificate during their registration.

We also ask that all children receive a physical that is performed and signed in 2019. If your child has not received a physical this year, we will have free physicals onsite for each player on March 13, March 27, April 10, and April 16.

To complete the online registration, visit We look forward to working with you and your children as our season begins!

Sarasota Sun Devils | Registration Information