Summertime is Playtime!

Summertime is a great time for children because they get the opportunity to play without as much structure and rules as occur during formal autumn and winter sports. This is important and parents need to remember that helping your children to succeed in sports is not only about coaching but also having fun.

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All You’d Want to Know about Cheerleading

When you think of cheerleading, you may just think of individuals holding pompoms and entertaining the crowd during football games. However, there is so much more to cheerleading than this. Cheerleading is an athletic, competitive sport that can teach children about teamwork, responsibility, and sportsmanship. For more information about cheerleading, just keep on reading.

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Pay It Forward Throughout the Year as a Team

Working together as a team builds communication skills, bonds, and relationships. Teamwork is also a valuable skill for children to develop as they grow. Another valuable skill to learn is paying it forward. If your child is involved in a team sport, learn how your child can pay it forward throughout the year as a team.

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Five Keys to Raising Fearless Children

In order to excel in Sarasota sports, athletes need to learn to manage their fear. Fear is a common part of athletics. There is the fear of failure, the fear of risk, the fear of performing, and the fear of getting hurt. While it is important for a child to be careful and aware of the risks of their sport, it is also important for them to grow their confidence. Learn five keys to raising fearless children by reading on.

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What It Takes to be a Competitive Cheerleader

Cheerleading is a demanding, yet fun and exciting sport. Participants must be willing to perform in front of an audience, make wild facial expressions, dance, tumble, and so much more. With the willingness to learn, push your limits, and move out of your comfort zone, cheerleading can be a rewarding sport in Sarasota for participants. To learn more about what it takes to be a competitive cheerleader, keep on reading!

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